Sweet Coconut Milk

When going dairy free, one of the first things people wonder is what to do as a milk alternative.  Although they are becoming more popular, milk alternatives sold at grocery stores can be quite pricy plus you must be cautious about certain brands that add in a lot of ingredients to the product that can derail your overall goal of health.  

Though this milk turns a light brown color from the cinnamon, that is an optional ingredient so you could make it more of a white "milky" color if desired.  It's great in protein shakes or over Paleo cereal.

coconut milk

Sweet Coconut Milk


1 can full fat coconut milk

1 can purified water

8 large medjool dates, pitted

2 teaspoons cinnamon {optional}

1 teaspoon vanilla


place all ingredients in a blender & blend on high 60 seconds or until dates have been fully emulsified & the milk is smooth.

store in a glass container for up to a week.

Love, Cara