Simple Nutrition Habits

The nutrition world is full of advice on how to make nutrition work. The problem is that all the meal plans, diet drinks, supplements, misleading information & weight loss propaganda, will never work if it isn’t sustainable. And, well to be blunt, it isn’t sustainable. 

The truth is that keeping nutrition simple is the only method that is proven to work time & time again. 

There is no magic pill or potion that will cure your sugar addiction. There is no plan that will make you lose 10 pounds in 10 days that will actually last beyond the 10 days. In fact, simple nutrition is the best way. So, what does simple nutrition look like?

Simple nutrition looks like progress over perfection. It looks like making a bunch of small choices that benefit your health over drastic ones that don’t last. 

Here are some basic nutrition habits that you can put into place to make a big difference in your health:

Don’t drink your calories – I’m not just talking about sugar laden coffee drinks or sodas. Even pure fruit juice can ruin your weight loss goals. You may be taking in way more calories & carbohydrates than you actually need for your day just by enjoying a simple glass of juice. Plus if you’re juicing to replace a meal, you’re missing out on many of the micronutrients & fiber available to you by simply eating the fruit or veggie that you are choosing to drink as a juice. Most everything that is not water, unsweetened tea or coffee is just empty calories!

Drink water with every meal – drinking water can actually help you be mindful of when you are full. Sometimes thirst actually feels like hunger. So making sure to consume plenty of water during the day. Drinking at least 8 ounces before every meal can help you stay on track with eating the right amount of food. 

Eat veggies at every meal – not only does the fiber content & water contained in vegetables help you feel satiated longer, but you will get a ton of vitamins & minerals from eating lots of them.  Make sure not to oversoak veggies in oil because that will make them soggy. Roasting with quality spray oil at 425 will yield perfectly crisp vegetables & many veggies like carrots, cauliflower, broccoli & snap peas are super easy to wash & prep into portioned containers for quick snacks.

Make calculated indulgence choices – never, ever say “never again” to dessert or special treats. Why? Because deciding to never again indulge, will lead you straight into a pit of binging. Thus the “diet cycle” will continue. I encourage my clients to indulge, but to know when the right time is to do so. Indulgences should always be shared with someone. That way they never lead to a secret binge session or overeating until you feel stuffed & ashamed. When we have a special meal or dessert with someone else, it deepens the emotions tied to those relationships. Make sure to take the time to be mindful of how good the item tastes. Savor it as you eat it. 

Avoid “triggers” – do you overeat when you have alcohol? Do you indulge too much when you are stressed or tired? Do you know that you always eat the whole bag of a certain flavor of chips? If so, then do your best to avoid these things. Also, use some retraining methods to form new neuropathways in your brain surrounding your triggers. Doing so will require some mindful changes in how you enjoy those things going forward but it will help keep you out of the pit of guilt & shame. 

If something is too hard to follow, it is already set up as a recipe for failure. Making your nutrition choices simple will keep you going straight on the path you really want to be on.

Need help with your decisions surrounding nutrition? CONTACT ME & let’s work together to get you to a place of weight loss or weight management through grace not guilt.