Why Weights are Better than Wrinkle Cream

Each & every birthday we celebrate brings changes in our body.  When we are young, our bodies are adaptable & can handle change well.  In the beginning of adulthood our body naturally grows stronger if we feed it well & generally maintain some form of exercise.  

At some point however we begin to lose some of our ability to recover from a hard workout, a series of poor food choices, or nights of not sleeping well.

Everyone, no matter how young or old should be doing some form of regular strength training, but it’s even more crucial as we age to protect our bones, joints & connective tissues.

Here are some important reasons strength training makes a difference in the quality of your life as you age:

·      It increases your metabolism – though cardio is thought of as the paramount way of burning fat, research actually shows that the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism.  This is because the more muscle you have the higher your resting metabolic rate will be.  This means you burn more calories when you’re doing nothing.  Cardio only burns calories during the activity & for a short period after you are done.  Weightlifting burns calories for up to 16 hours after you finish working out!  

·      It makes your bones stronger – muscle strength is important but weightlifting also improves bone strength.  Everyone is susceptible to losing bone density as they get older & weightlifting could be just what you need to combat the risk of fractured or broken bones.  When you lift weights, the muscles surrounding the bones, contract & extend on the bones beneath them.  This in turn causes the bone to make new cells, which can prevent & even reverse bone loss.  

·      It improves the quality of your everyday activities – not only will weightlifting make you feel really great, it will build confidence & self-esteem in activities outside of the gym.  When your muscle strength will increases, every other normal or athletic physical task becomes a little bit easier & less risky.  When you are stronger you can move in ways, which are more efficient & prevent injuries.  Carrying groceries, getting boxes down off shelves & mowing the lawn all become less taxing on your body when you have good muscle stability.

Strength training isn’t the same as bodybuilding.  When considering weight lifting, think about a manageable, moveable weight for a series of reps that is sustainable.  

If you are just starting out in a weight lifting journey, I would strongly advise finding a qualified trainer to teach you proper form, rep scheme & cues to know what is best for your body.

No matter what your age, we all can gain a lot from regular strength training & it could be the key to staying active as we age.  Weightlifting is a journey you won’t regret!